03 March 2011

Food Glorious Food

Love You More news this month is titled "Food Glorious Food." In it, I look at the pleasures and benefits of family meals and share a short excerpt from "Love You More." The excerpt is from a part of the book that details my daughter's transition to her new home and family in the U.S. after living in Guatemala for the first part of her life. Read the newsletter here

I also give titles of a few of my favorite cookbooks - would love to hear what yours are. Comment here if you like.

from "Love You More"

By the time she finally arrived home, Mia was no longer a baby but a toddler who suddenly found herself in house full of people who did not speak her language. We looked different from anyone she had ever known. She now had siblings who were young, loud, and possessive of their mother.
And the food?
It wasn‘t until a week or two after her homecoming that my husband brought home black bean burritos for dinner. I was still setting out the plates when I noticed Mia. She was sitting up straight in her high chair eating the beans I had spooned onto her tray as though they were a delicacy. She looked relieved, as if finally someone had served her some real food. That night I saw her eat like I had never seen her eat before.
"You can keep your quiches, your pasta, and that tofu stir fry," she seemed to say. "This is what I‘m talking about!"


Jamie said...

What a precious image. I too love a plate full of black beans. I'm not much of a cook -- but am trying to be better. It's just the planning part that gets too me.

Jennifer Grant said...

I understand! Sometimes I plan the whole month, sometimes just a day or two (or hour!) in advance. But I'm always glad when I've planned ahead. Speaking of, right now beside me on the kitchen counter is a big crockpot of black beans soaking. Mmmm...